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A Revelation of Love Julian of Norwich

A Revelation of Love Julian of Norwich

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Experience the timeless wisdom of Julian of Norwich's classic, A Revelation of Love, in a beautifully translated and accessible edition. This revered text has been a source of inspiration and devotion for centuries, and John Skinner's translation brings its powerful message of God's love to life in a way that is both relatable and profound.

Written in the 14th century, A Revelation of Love is a revelatory work that explores the nature of God's love and its relationship to humanity. Julian's writing is characterized by its earthy and direct style, which has captivated readers for generations. In this edition, Skinner's translation preserves the original Middle English poetry and rhythmic structure, allowing readers to experience the full depth and beauty of Julian's words.

Through her writings, Julian reveals the intimate and enabling love of God, which is both beguiling and inescapable. Her message has resonated with people from all walks of life, and continues to do so today. Whether you're a spiritual seeker, a student of medieval literature, or simply looking for a deeper understanding of the mysteries of faith, A Revelation of Love is a must-read.

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